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feeling: The current mood of lexia02@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
loving: my wonderful new iPod
hating: nothing in particular
reading: "The Iliad"
listening: random songs on my iPod :D
watching: Troy
playing: Everquest, FF VII and my new Zelda game (thank you John muackmuacks!!)
wanting: to go shopping
craving: oreos
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Alexa/Female/21-25. Lives in Singapore, speaks English and Chinese. Eye color is brown. I am a dreamer. I am also skeptical. My interests are music and lots more.

My Garden Collection ^_^

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Comments by: YACCS

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 + Lucky New Year +

I swear I'm just plain unlucky.

Why do I always feel unwell on Chinese New Year? My throat has just started hurting again. And I haven't even started on the 'bak gua' and chocolate yet. Bah. :(

glittermissy @ 9:23 PM + + Permalink

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 + Feeling indulgent +

Don't really have much mood to do work today. But then I think many working people prolly feel the same. :P After all there's a long weekend ahead and tomorrow would be a half day for most, which explains why my mind is far, far away from work. :P

John is going away for the lunar new year - as he always does - and so I'll get some time alone at home. I'm actually looking forward to the time that I'll get at home. It'll be time that I'll spend listening to my favourite music, writing in my diary, indulging in my thoughts with a mug of milo/hot chocolate... watching favourite bits of favourite anime...

I always contradict myself - it makes me sad whenever I have to say goodbye to John, even if it is for a couple of days or so. However once the dreaded goodbye has taken place I actually feel happy to have time to myself. As messy as my room is (STILL sorting out my life and my room since my return from UK) I'm happy to plonk my butt in my chair at my desk; lappie, hifi, books and all at hand. :) Such a wonderful feeling to be able to forget about work, having the freedom to relax and indulge in anything I want to.

glittermissy @ 9:58 AM + + Permalink

Friday, January 16, 2004 + What now? +

Yesterday was a good day in school. Today is not although I didn't really have to teach much. It's just so unfair when people snap at me for not knowing what to do due to inexperience. Whatever.

I'm getting tired of feeling so torn in two all the time. I'm going to go for yoga this afternoon, watch a movie with John this evening, slack till choir on Saturday and then slack somemore until voice on Sunday. And somewhere in the middle of all that slacking I'm going to practice and do more Brahms. I intend to spend some good quality time with John this weekend before he goes away for the Lunar New Year and just enjoy being in his company without thinking and worrying about anything or anyone else.

I swear, it's PMS time again.

glittermissy @ 1:05 PM + + Permalink

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 + Hesitantly racing forth +

Feeling very very tired today. I have absolutely no idea why, I don't see why I should be. I think my body just refuses to adapt back to waking up early and sleeping early. :(

Couldn't really fall asleep last night. It was one of those nights where I'm lying there on the verge of sleep but somehow a part of consciousness just refuses to shut down. So I'm lying there groggy, worrying that I'd wake up late in the morning because I can't fall asleep. Isn't it silly? Keeping myself awake worrying about how I can't fall asleep...

Anyway I spent the whole morning and part of the afternoon after lunch analyzing Brahms's 2nd Piano Concerto 1st movement. And I must say that I enjoyed myself immensely. The last time I really put my mind to analyzing anything with this much effort was in my final year at University. And I didn't realize how much I actually enjoy doing it - and how much I miss doing it - until today. :) It was great just to spend the whole day sitting there playing bits of the music over and over again and just pouring over the score trying to figure out chords and material and sections. Of course it helps that the music is great and with each listening I like it more and more.

Seems strange that I like both Brahms and Wagner (and Mahler!) but I really do. Wagner is loud, brash at times, subtle at others and very emotional. Brahms is equally emotional if not more, and in a totally different way. It's great. It's times like this I remember why I always wanted to study music. :)

However I think I can't teach for nuts. Maybe I'm just too self-conscious and not sure enough of what I'm teaching. :( I'm more at ease with the current year 2s now but with the year 1s it's just so hard. I think I respond to people better when I know them. I'm tend to be cautious and ill at ease with people who I don't know. With some people I can click with them almost immediately. With others it takes a long, long time, if ever. So I find that I get stuttery, muddle-headed and tongue-tied with the year 1 class. I guess it's only my 2nd lesson with them so far and it's disturbing to have so many pairs of eyes watching you (I have absolutely no idea how I got through practicum!). Some students these days can be so volatile, once they've decided they don't like you for some reason it can be so hard to reach out to them, much less teach them something. So, half the time I find myself trying to reach out to them instead of really just teaching them. Whoever said teaching is easy should give it a go and eat their own words. :P True, some people might have a natural flair for it but I don't think it ever is easy in the beginning. Students change with ever batch that you teach, I think you're constantly adapting and changing your approach and style. You have to.

Anyway, I enjoyed the Brahms lecture but half the time I wonder if I'm teaching the right things, or if I've left out anything important. But then, I guess teachers can never teach everything they know. Students don't remember everything you teach them anyway. I'll just have to hope I'm not too far off the mark and that they'll remember the important things. :P

But sometimes I feel so restricted in the sense that we have to follow whatever is stipulated by the syllabus. Not that what I'm doing goes against my beliefs of what a music education should be, and my principles as a musician and person. But there's so much more I wish I could share and say in class with my students about what I think music means. Doesn't that sound so pompous though? As if my opinion on the subject were the gospel truth! But that's precisely my problem I think. One important lesson that University has taught me is that there are very few things that are the gospel truth anyway, and that there are few, if any, absolutes. There's no such thing as a text book answer and someone is always going to have a different opinion. So in that way, how can I teach anything with certainty knowing that there's going to be at least one writer out there who has said something otherwise? I don't feel like I can ever be totally sure of what I'm saying. Maybe that's why I come across as hesitant when I teach. Sigh.

All of a sudden I feel like composing again. It was a pity the University didn't think I had what they were looking for. But then again when I look back at the things I wrote in University, I think it's all rubbish and wonder what I was thinking then. :P Maybe I should give it a go and see where it takes me. So many things I want to do but so little time.

glittermissy @ 7:48 PM + + Permalink

Monday, January 12, 2004 + Takes two hands to clap +

I had a good weekend which - as usual - was too short and went by too quickly. Nowadays I have choir on Saturday afternoons and voice on Sunday mornings. Apart from that I'm supposed to have the time to do whatever I want but somehow it doesn't quite feel that way.

I'm feeling very out of sorts this morning - I'm sure it's partly due to not waking up early enough and rushing to get to school on time. I know I'm still getting used to being back at school and getting into the swing of things again. I just think about the amount of work I have to do this year (as much as I can anticipate anyway) and feel apprehensive. I keep telling myself to think of it all as a challenge but life doesn't always work that way, does it? :P

I don't feel much inspiration to write these days. My thoughts are all disjointed and I can't seem to keep my mind focused on any one thing to really think through it and write about it. Maybe it's my brain adjusting to having school constantly on my mind again.

What do you do when a good friend gets attached and suddenly you find yourself not such a good friend anymore?


What can you do anyway? I can't complain, I'm sure I was like this when I first got attached, and even for a long period of time after life with John was just that - almost exclusively life with John. So I should understand how and why my friend is acting this way. I think I do, it's just that when you're on the receiving end it's always different - and harder.

But now I keep asking myself if I was really that inattentive and careless with my friends when I got first got attached. I should be used to this by now, having seen many friends get attached during the course of our friendship. Is this some funny sort of retribution then?

I'd like to think that friendships live through the best and the worst of relationships, and that being friends means you'll never suffer breakups like couples do - just that at times you're closer and then you drift apart in a sort of cycle. But like Jonquille said, this seems to be the time of fair weather friends, and relationships that change overnight even when both of you have spent weeks, months, even years working at it. Is it society that has made us such self-centered and self-occupied beings? No one has time anymore to sit and chat, to listen and really hear. We all seem to be adrift in the unending current that's life, not really knowing what we're doing and why.

I don't want to be like that. I don't want things to be this way. But that's as good as whining for something which can't really be helped. As much as you want something and try to make something work, as much as I want our friendship to stay the way it has been, a little voice tells me, "Get over it girl, that's life and nothing lasts forever." I honestly want to stay a romantic and believe in all the good things in life - that friends are for life and a friendship built on the best of foundations lasts forever. Maybe I'm just jaded. But then, it always takes two hands to clap.

glittermissy @ 8:51 AM + + Permalink

Sunday, January 11, 2004 + +

The weekend has come and gone so quickly that I feel like I've hardly done anything.

glittermissy @ 4:45 PM + + Permalink

Monday, January 05, 2004 + Button Pushing +

Just some more quizzies to entertain.

Season = Autumn
You're Most Like The Season Autumn ...

You're warm, and the most approachable. You have
that gentle prescence about you. People can
relate to you, and find you easy company.
However it's likely you've been hurt in the
past and it has left you scarred so things can
become rather chilly with you at times. Being
the third Season in, you're mature, trustworthy
and loyal to your friends but prone to
depression and negative thinking.

Well done... You're the shy and sensitive season :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

You represent... hope.
You represent... hope.
You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless
romantic. You enjoy being creative and don't
mind being alone at times. You have goals, and
know what you want in life... even if they are
a little far fetched.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not that I need such things to tell me what I'm really like. Mindless button pushing to kill time I don't have.

glittermissy @ 10:34 PM + + Permalink

+ I'm useful! +

Woohoo. Today is the first day of the first week of the first term of school. I don't feel as dreary as I thought I would (except the waking up early part). It actually feels quite nice to be back. I shifted the stuff on my desk around a bit (moved the PC to my right which makes more sense really) - haven't really packed all my stuff up yet. :P But already it feels like a fresh start. :)

I had a pretty good lesson with the year ... 2s (yes they're 2nd year students now) even though they were all *groan... harmony*. LOL. It always feels nice whenever I'm able to share with just one or two what I've learnt and see their faces light up with comprehension. :)

The lesson put me in a good mood and I'm actually feeling glad to be of use to society. Aren't I turning into a useful to society, morally upright civil servant? :P I'm sure I'll change my mind once the work really starts pouring in.

For now, I'm going to have lunch with John who's still enjoying himself bumming around till his work attachment starts next week. :P Slacker.

glittermissy @ 1:54 PM + + Permalink

Sunday, January 04, 2004 + Surreality +

Finally got my images fixed. My previous image hosting site decided that they want to start charging people for externally linking images, which was why the graphics were not showing up. I found another free image hosting site, they seem pretty generous and so far reliable. I recommend Walagata if you're looking for an image host too.

It still disorients me whenever I think of how it's actually 2004 now and the new school term has started. I've been thinking quite a bit about school - almost everything from the way I've been doing things to the way my table looks and I think I'm going to start making changes. I think I've been passive in a way last year because I was so new and didn't know what was expected of me, how I am supposed to act. Not that I know any better now (!) but I guess I think it's about time I started asserting myself more.

Could hardly fall asleep last night because of all the thoughts swimming round and round my brain. Maybe I should write them all down - make a list or something of all the changes I want to make, and they'll leave my brain alone. :P

I'll write more when I have more to say. Right now I just feel zoned - like my mind is lost somewhere in 'surreality' while my body is propelling me forward through reality. Scary.

glittermissy @ 3:39 PM + + Permalink