+ about me +

feeling: The current mood of lexia02@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
loving: my wonderful new iPod
hating: nothing in particular
reading: "The Iliad"
listening: random songs on my iPod :D
watching: Troy
playing: Everquest, FF VII and my new Zelda game (thank you John muackmuacks!!)
wanting: to go shopping
craving: oreos
read more: about me

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+ The Non-Adventures of Japaneezu Seijin
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Alexa/Female/21-25. Lives in Singapore, speaks English and Chinese. Eye color is brown. I am a dreamer. I am also skeptical. My interests are music and lots more.

My Garden Collection ^_^

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Comments by: YACCS

Saturday, April 17, 2004 + +

It has been another usual week in college, except that yesterday was our annual track and field meet and I got arrowed to run in the teachers' relay. Unsurprisingly our department came in last as our team was all female, none of us are fitness freaks nor runners. The other teams had some really fit male teachers and they beat us hands down. :P Lol. It kinda made me realize how out of shape and unfit I am, and so I resolve to go running and blading regularly to get myself back into shape. :P My legs are aching from yesterday cos I didn't cool down, but it kinda feels nice cos you know you've done something with yourself. Masochistic I know, but hey it's a fine line between pleasure and pain. ;)

That bloody Roger has still been calling me - I don't know whether he's received the letter from Singtel. But anyway he doesn't call me as frantically as before, maybe once a night if I don't respond? When I reject his calls he'll call back but if I don't respond he stops. So it seems he's just some lonely fucker who gets a cheap thrill out of getting his calls rejected by someone he doesn't even know. Wacko.

This afternoon SYC is heading to a recording studio to record "Shadowcatcher" - a work for 2 choirs and a rapper. We're doing both choirs - they'll record the parts separately and leave it to the wonders of technology to put the whole thing together. Sheik Haikel (is that how you spell his name?) has already recorded the rap bits. Interesting work, kinda creepy at times but it's got pretty cool ideas. That's gonna take up the whole afternoon, after which I'm meeting John in town to go CD shopping. :)

Last night we watched "The Prince and Me", a chick flick about this playboy Dannish prince who goes to the States to experience college life (well, initially it's to see topless wild college girls LOL). He meets this girl and they fall in love. I must admit I enjoyed it, even though it was fluffy, substanceless and totally predictable. LOL. I think the past few films I've watched were pretty intense ones (Untold Scandal, Passion of the Christ, Hidalgo....) so it was nice to see something banal for a change. LOL. John suffered in silence through the girly flick, maybe he was too tired to react. Lol. Nah he was nice enough not to think it was too stupid to watch. :P

I'm gonna go now, grab some lunch and head to the recording studio. The weekend's gonna past real fast - as it always does. Wish I could have a few days off to do nothing but play EQ, listen to music, read all the books I've bought but haven't had the time to read and watch anime. At least I can say I get college vacations to be a slacker for a while. LOL. I'll write again soon. :) Have a good weekend all.

P/S: Zain and Dan - weekends are prolly the best times for us to meet and have that gaming session but most Saturdays I have SYC. What about Labour Day? If you guys are both free we could do it then. :)

glittermissy @ 11:52 AM + + Permalink