+ about me +

feeling: The current mood of lexia02@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
loving: my wonderful new iPod
hating: nothing in particular
reading: "The Iliad"
listening: random songs on my iPod :D
watching: Troy
playing: Everquest, FF VII and my new Zelda game (thank you John muackmuacks!!)
wanting: to go shopping
craving: oreos
read more: about me

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+ Jonquille
+ inflatedego
+ Aloka
+ The Non-Adventures of Japaneezu Seijin
+ alexthegirl
+ Pinkified
+ Darknyte
+ Deep rambling thoughts of a blonde
+ Eiyaku Shimpo

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Alexa/Female/21-25. Lives in Singapore, speaks English and Chinese. Eye color is brown. I am a dreamer. I am also skeptical. My interests are music and lots more.

My Garden Collection ^_^

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Comments by: YACCS

Tuesday, March 09, 2004 + Here I come! +

I lost my thumb drive! :*(

I'm seldom this careless so I can't believe that it's gone. I was really upset at first but then again, it's just an inanimate object. Sure I lost a few files but that teaches me a lesson in always backing up my things. Sure I was a little attached to the thing, but well I guess things happen.

I know it isn't a big fortune that I lost, but I'm glad that even for something like this I'm able to appreciate what I have.

It's funny though, how the human mind works. I distinctly remember stopping the device on my computer so I could safely remove it, before shutting down my computer. And I remember the things I did after I left the office. I just can't seem to remember whether or not I pulled the drive out from my computer and whether I put it into my bag. Isn't it strange how the memory can be so selective? I even remember taking it out of my bag and lamenting the scratches that were on it. :P Sigh.

Well, I won't let this spoil my day today even though it added to how crappy yesterday was.

Yesterday was a totally crappy day. I woke up with a headache. I lost my thumb drive. I was half soaked as some passing car splashed water on me. I was cold most of the day because it poured all day. I couldn't find a copy of my grade 5 music theory cert even though I was so sure I had lots of copies made the last time. I had to dig through the mess that's my room now and finally found the original in the storeroom. I hit my head against the damn metal shelf and the top of my head is really sore now. Almost fell on the way down the stairs. Quarrelled with John at night and cried. It wasn't even Friday the 13th!

All in all, I should be one heck of a grumpy and jaded teacher now. But I'm not going to let myself slip into that again. New MP3 player HERE I COME!!!

glittermissy @ 8:15 AM + + Permalink