+ about me +

feeling: The current mood of lexia02@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
loving: my wonderful new iPod
hating: nothing in particular
reading: "The Iliad"
listening: random songs on my iPod :D
watching: Troy
playing: Everquest, FF VII and my new Zelda game (thank you John muackmuacks!!)
wanting: to go shopping
craving: oreos
read more: about me

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Alexa/Female/21-25. Lives in Singapore, speaks English and Chinese. Eye color is brown. I am a dreamer. I am also skeptical. My interests are music and lots more.

My Garden Collection ^_^

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Comments by: YACCS

Friday, February 06, 2004 + Quit and piss off +

To think that I was on MC from school yesterday, and this morning the first thing that happens to me when I come into school is to be told off for some student staying till 7pm last night in the Beethoven Room.

i) The servant wasn't even sure it was one of my students
ii) I wasn't even in school yesterday FOR FUCKING CRYING OUT LOUD!

Something else I'm unhappy about is that Debbie asked me over the weekend if I would be able to meet her this evening. I checked my diary - nothing on. So I agreed. Then on Tuesday when I get back to school my poor overworked Gamma captain tells me this Friday is the Intra-house road run and I gotta stay to lock the main gate of the school after the event.

i) Even if I were free - is it part of my duty to stay till 7-8pm just so there's a teacher to lock the gate?
ii) I don't happen to live nearby. So it's just the school's luck that John does.
iii) I happen to have a life outside of school and I want to keep it that way.

Other things have been happening (to my surprise, believe me) that has caused unhappiness too. It's mainly due to these reasons:

i) People expect certain standards from you but don't subscribe to them themselves.
ii) People aren't understanding enough to remember that I'm new and a lot of the things that I'm doing - I'm doing for the 1st time. And there are bound to be mistakes. If you want things done perfectly, go employ a fucking robot instead and piss off.

Whatever. I'm too irate right now to think or write coherently. So what if the weekend is here? My life is sold to this system for the next 4.5 years or so and sometimes I still wonder if I did the right thing. Somehow or other I gotta get through it in one piece. And the way things have been going, I seriously doubt I'll be around for much longer after my bond ends. Quitter or stayer, isn't it obivous? Deal with it.

glittermissy @ 8:10 AM + + Permalink