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feeling: The current mood of lexia02@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
loving: my wonderful new iPod
hating: nothing in particular
reading: "The Iliad"
listening: random songs on my iPod :D
watching: Troy
playing: Everquest, FF VII and my new Zelda game (thank you John muackmuacks!!)
wanting: to go shopping
craving: oreos
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Alexa/Female/21-25. Lives in Singapore, speaks English and Chinese. Eye color is brown. I am a dreamer. I am also skeptical. My interests are music and lots more.

My Garden Collection ^_^

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Comments by: YACCS

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 + No presents for Christmas +

Wowee is it the 15th of December already? I just can't believe that I've gone and returned from my trip. It seemed just a day ago when I wrote the last post here. Here I am back in one piece with some very nice memories of the past 6 days. In a way I can't help but feel a little pang of regret that it went by so quickly. John and I don't get very much time just being happy together without having to worry about school - him: his school work and exams and stuff, and me: school=work.

I'm much too tired to really write much about my trip except that we really enjoyed ourselves and I think it was money well spent. Given the chance we'd definately do something like that again. :) The next time we could probably take another trip like this is next December, which seems way way to far away. Hey it's only a year I know, but then when is the next time you can go play without worrying ever soon enough?

Christmas is only 10 days away. I don't exactly celebrate Christmas but somehow it's still my most favourite time of the year. I reckon it's a mixture of happy memories of Christmases from my childhood days, as well as having a wonderful fiance to spend them with now. I love shopping for gifts for my loved ones even though I always have absolutely no idea what to buy them. Since I was introduced to John's family I've been having Christmas dinner with them. His mum and dad are Catholics and they do the traditional turkey/roast beef, Christmas tree, presents and big gatherings. I'm not always the most comfortable with big groups of people but even when I just sit in a corner holding John's hand, watching his family and relatives having so much fun I feel all nice, warm and fuzzy inside. From a non-religious point of view I reckon that Christmas isn't about giving and getting presents or good food. It's really about being with the people you love and really appreciating having them in your lives. Although we really ought to be doing this all year round - if having a day or 12 to take them for granted less, why not eh? :)

This Christmas season I'm thankful for how fortunate my life has been. We can always be smarter, richer, better looking, more successful and etc. But I think being happy is often just a matter of perspective. I know, it's an easy thing to say and horrendously hard to do when you're down in the dumps (believe me, I get depressed easily and I'm temperemental so I should know!). Most of all I'm thankful for 4 things in particular: that even though I don't know what my parents plan to do next at least things seem to be on the mend for now. That I have John by my side and to be with. That I have such wonderful friends who still care even though we're so caught up in our own problems and jobs, especially for the one in a million chance and unlikely circumstance in which I met my bestest friend. That I have a job that can be stressful and upsetting at times, it also means I want for nothing and don't have to be someone who thinks life is aimless, a person who is peniless, jobless and hungry. I may not own a closet full of designer clothes, nor do I own Prada bags. I might not live in a big house nor own a big car. I am neither famous, terribly popular nor terribly good looking. But I reckon I'm fortunate in having been brought up to be a person who tries to be honest, sincere and loyal. And when I look at all the nice things that others richer than I possess and feel the slightest twinge of envy (well, who doesn't?), I'm thankful that I'm able to stop and tell myself that I don't need such things to have a meaningful life nor be a happy person. :)

I've always looked to getting nice presents at Christmas but this year I can honestly say for the first time that I'm not thinking of receiving anything at all. I just like the atmosphere of people appreciating the people in their lives and how magical this season feels. And I think that makes me a happier person than all the big cars, designer items and fame can ever bring me. :) Even if someone were to want to give me a present, the best present I think would be simply them appreciating me in their lives.

glittermissy @ 1:12 AM + + Permalink