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feeling: The current mood of lexia02@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
loving: my wonderful new iPod
hating: nothing in particular
reading: "The Iliad"
listening: random songs on my iPod :D
watching: Troy
playing: Everquest, FF VII and my new Zelda game (thank you John muackmuacks!!)
wanting: to go shopping
craving: oreos
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Alexa/Female/21-25. Lives in Singapore, speaks English and Chinese. Eye color is brown. I am a dreamer. I am also skeptical. My interests are music and lots more.

My Garden Collection ^_^

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Comments by: YACCS

Thursday, December 04, 2003 + Music, feelings and dreams +

You know those survey thingies that we all sometimes get asking us to describe ourselves in 3 words or less? My answer is always 'dreamer' - in a very literal sense too.

All my life I've always had dreams that felt very real - so real that I can remember the physical and emotional sensations years after the dream occured. I've had so many dreams, I'm going to briefy list some of them here so I don't forget. But out of all these dreams I find there are two main events that recur over the years. One of them is of me being with someone I don't know in real life but yet it feels like I've always known ( I can never seen this person's face ). The other is always of me being on some kind of journey - either I'm moving house to some place I don't know in real life, or that I'm on some kind of journey. Sometimes I'm with friends and family in real life, sometimes my family and friends in the dream are people I've absolutely never met before in my life.

Dreams of being with someone I've not met in real life:
1. 15 - 16 years old. Some sort of prom. He was a bit taller than me and had dark, longish hair.
2. Seaside, statue of a mermaid. White building with a dragon statue that we had to somehow save. He had dark hair, not much taller than me.
3. School day trip to the moon. I was one of the students waiting to go but I didn't. He had dark short hair and was taller than me.
4. Getting married. Signing contract. Dresses. I didn't know my parents but his parents seemed familiar. He was familiar to me, dark long hair, quite a bit taller.
5. Visiting a friend. Pink coloured house, felt like country side in the UK. He had dark short hair and was quite a bit taller than me. (Why is it always dark?)
6. On holiday. Walking around alone, shop that sold scarves, lovely bits of satin, chiffon and silk. Met someone, dark longish hair, definately taller than me.
7. Visiting my old school. Met old friends. Area around the school seemed different. Sky was a blend of pink-peach-purple-blue. Could see planets. He was familiar in a way, dark short hair, not much taller than me.
8. At a car race early in the morning (before it started). Very grey morning, before dusk. He was tall, dark shoulder length hair.
9. On some sort of trip with friends in Australia. Looking at stars, saw the southern cross. Was with someone again, taller and dark shoulderlength hair.
10. At home but unfamiliar. Just moved into a house, very 80s style. Friend visiting from overseas, a bit taller with dark short hair. For some reason didn't really meet but saw him in passing several times.
11. Back to JC/Sixth Form to visit. In a place I didn't know in real life but was my school in the dream. Went to someone's house - apparently my other half but I didn't know him. Taller than me, lean with longish dark hair. He was an artist who drew and sculpted.
12. (Just dreamt this!) Working in a clothes store in a mall (don't know where) with another person - he was taller than me with longish hair. Can't tell dark or light, seemed to shift.

That's about as many as I can remember right now. Other dreams are those of journeying, of John, of my parents and friends. I don't really know what to make of it all but I can remember each one of them as clearly as if they were events that happened in real life. Ironically, sometimes even more clearly than things I've been through in reality.

I had one particular dream that came true though - of an aunt who returned from overseas and she gave my family a gift. The very next day it really happened! Exactly as it was in the dream! That was rather freaky but exciting lol. I sometimes get feelings of deja vu at particular instances - I can't remember the dreams but at the point in time I know I've been there before. And sometimes I dream of things I doubt could possibly come true. But weeks or months later they really do happen. That's really weird as I don't think much of my situation or what I'm doing until that feeling of deja vu hits me and I realize I dreamt it and didn't think it possible but here I am.

So to give three words to describe myself, I think they would be "Music, Feelings and Dreams".

glittermissy @ 2:21 PM + + Permalink