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feeling: The current mood of lexia02@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
loving: my wonderful new iPod
hating: nothing in particular
reading: "The Iliad"
listening: random songs on my iPod :D
watching: Troy
playing: Everquest, FF VII and my new Zelda game (thank you John muackmuacks!!)
wanting: to go shopping
craving: oreos
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Alexa/Female/21-25. Lives in Singapore, speaks English and Chinese. Eye color is brown. I am a dreamer. I am also skeptical. My interests are music and lots more.

My Garden Collection ^_^

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Comments by: YACCS

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 + Sweet +

My day started absolutely crap. It was various things that added up and put me in a really bad mood. First I woke up to see that my clock read "07:00". Swearing I jumped out of bed and was out of the house in 10 minutes. After I finally got a cab, traffic on the CTE was extremely slow - as usual. When we finally got to the big cross junction along Bedok South Rd, the cab driver asked if he should make a turn up ahead. Of course, I took him to mean that he would go straight and do a u-turn - like all cab drivers so far have done. So I just said "yes", being too preoccupied in getting there on time to really think about what he meant.

The dolt turned right instead. I ended up getting off at the PE gate, which was of course locked as assembly had started. I told the cab driver, "Umm you were supposed to go straight and do a u-turn." To which he replied, "Huh? Either my way of communicating is very bad or you hearing is very bad." I knew he was joking but I was pissed already at being late. My face totally changed and I was like, "Rrrright." Fancy him saying that a music teacher's hearing is bad! I must say it was quite irrational for me to feel that way but I was rather miffed.

Anyhow, I finally made it to school to discover I had sooo many things to do. To top it off my fiance was too sleepy to listen to me complain and he would be too busy to meet his almost suicidal fiancee over the next few days. My mood was the blackest it has ever been since I've started teaching in TJ. I either wanted to kill someone or get run down by a car or something. ARGH.

But as the day wore on, especially after I had lectures with the Year 2s and 1s, I was my usual smiley self again. :) I'm so glad I have such sweet students. If I have students like that every single year I'd stay in teaching forever - admin work/politics notwithstanding. :P

I'm rather sad that time is passing as quickly as it is. I really like the current batch of year 2s a lot. They may whine and procrastinate but they're such sweet people. And even though Term 4 is barely here I know I'll be happy and yet sad when they finally do leave TJ. *sniffle* I'm so sentimental I make myself sick.

Well, I must say that one's students really make a LOT of difference to whether or not one is happy in school. I know mine sure do. :)

glittermissy @ 8:35 PM + + Permalink